“Seeing the Unseen Christ” – Week 9

“Seeing the Unseen Christ” – Week 9

“Seeing the Unseen Christ” (Week 9)

by Eric Rajaniemi

Last week the challenging question might have been
number three or number four. The third question forces
each of us to stop and seriously consider who causes all of
the wickedness and evil that we see all across our world.
Is it just people who are bad? If we are really honest, we
must admit that it seems that something else is also
involved in peoples’ behavior. That something is Satan.
People make bad choices, Satan influences them to make
those bad choices even worse. Sinfulness also comes into
play since that is a part of every human alive. We might
intend to solve a problem correctly in the beginning but
somewhere along the way we make a wrong turn and it
ends very badly.

If we are to use the “sword of the Lord,” we must learn
how God wants us to use it. It is not meant to
intentionally inflict pain or suffering on another person. It
can be used to defend oneself against being verbally
attacked. In fact, this is the only piece of God’s armor that
can be used to attack Satan. All others are for defending
oneself against his attacks.

This week’s scripture is I Peter 5:7-11. Satan is
depicted graphically as a male lion. He is always on the
move, seeking whom he may devour/consume/
destroy/swallow up. Why do you think God chose this
image to depict Satan’s presence in our world?

Even though Satan wants to destroy us, according to
this text we have an opportunity to resist him and stand
firm when faced with temptation. How would you respond
to the claim that temptation is always bad?

What can you find in verses 9-11 that gives you the
courage to renounce Satan and all that he represents?

Verse eight commands us to be self-controlled and
alert. If you have been working at correcting a self-
destructive pattern, are you becoming more adept at
recognizing Satan’s attempts to trip you up? Are you
becoming more able to resist these attempts?

Please spend a few quiet moments in the arms of a
loving God who desires to make you strong, firm, and
steadfast as you live out your faith in Christ Jesus.

Continue praying daily for neighbors, friends, family
members, and coworkers by name. Remember to be
specific in what you pray!

May you have a blessed week!




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