Growing Together

Growing Together

Growth Steps:  Step 3 – To Grow in Spirit!

Beginning a Spiritual Journey?

The reality is growth is never going to happen by accident. Spiritual growth is intentional. And, building your life to honor God isn’t a onetime decision.  It is a life-long commitment to honor Him in all ways.  You need to determine your next step on your spiritual journey; steps to help you follow God with everything that you have.  This probably won’t happen overnight but stick with it and you will see yourself learn to live a life that honors God.

Let’s Grow Together!

God Loves You and has a plan for your life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11  God wants to have a relationship with us and He’s given us ways to know Him better. As we get to know God, we better understand His plan for us and we can strive to be more like Jesus. And because Lakeland Church is crucial to your growth and experience of the abundant life Christ has in store for you, come along side of us and let’s do this together.

We Care!

Because you are valuable to God and to us, your next steps to grow in Him are so important. No matter where you are at in life, God has growth steps in mind for you. Spiritual growth is vitally important. As you grow in the things of God, you will learn to depend on God and obey Him. If you are a new believer in Christ, been attending church for a while, or just wondering how you can advance your relationship with Jesus at Lakeland, we can help you in your steps for growth!

Steps for Spiritual Growth:

[1] Reading the Word 

The Bible is so much more than a book about God. The Bible is God’s written word to you. It contains promises, instructions, teaching, but most of all it reveals to us who God is and how He feels about us. As we read the Bible, we become more rooted in our faith which helps us grow. You are encouraged to start a regular habit of reading God’s Word. Reading the Bible every day will help you grow in your spiritual journey.

[2] Praying with Heart

Communication is essential to our relationship with God. Spending time with him in prayer helps you know God more intimately. Prayer is your opportunity to talk with God about what’s on your mind and to hear what he wants to speak into your life. But prayer is not how you pray, rather, it is the attitude that you offer. The Lord is more interested in our hearts than in our words. “In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” Praying with heart in all circumstances will cause you to grow in your spiritual life.

[3] Loving by Obeying

A test of our love for God comes in the manner of our obedience. We struggle to follow the wisdom of God, or, lean unto our own understanding. Obedience to the word of God is vital to a fruitful Christian life. The key to obeying the Lord and following the teachings of Jesus is being filled with the Holy Spirit.   “…the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…” (Galatians 5:22). We must develop and exercise obedience through daily dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit. We love God when we obey, and as a results we grow into the likeness of Jesus.

[4] Giving with Thankfulness

In being a follower of Jesus, we must realize that in Christ “we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Jesus Christ created us (Col. 1:16). He bought us with His precious blood (1 Peter 1:18-19). And God anointed Him as our Lord (Eph. 1:20-23). Thus, the whole of our life – our being, material substance, everything – is His.  Thanks be the name of the Lord! All that we are and all that we have belongs to Him.  We are graced to be good stewards of what He is entrusting us with. Giving is to teach you “always to put God first in your lives” (Deut. 14:23).  Giving with thankfulness allows you to grow stronger in your spiritual life.
